By Gagandeep Ghuman
Published: April 27, 2012
When miscreants burned down playground equipment at Pat Goode Park, local nanny Letty Castro had to change her entire schedule.
With the playgroung equipment gone, she would have to take her wards, Jamie and Robbie, to Willow Park on Mamquam Road.
“It was a hassle, I’m so happy to see the equipment back” Castro said, as she watched children play on the new equipment at Pat Goode Park.
In August last year, the playground was gutted in an arson. It wasn’t the first time the park had been targeted by arsonists. It had been set to fire the first time in 2007, but had been rebuild by the district. Last year, area residents woke up to see the park gutted in a fire again.
After the incident RCMP had increased their patrols in the area, and last November, the district replaced the playground at a cost of $25,000.
To deter any arson attempts, the playground was upgraded with less plastic and a higher grade steel.
Kirkham said the district is confident the playground will provide residents and visitors with a safe, outdoor recreation site for many years to come.
In addition, the Garibaldi Estates Block Watch held a meeting to thank the district or rebuilding the park.
The community also expressed their appreciation to the RCMP for working closely with the community to keep it safe, said RCMP Sgt.Wayne Pride.
Mayor Kirkham also thanked the Block Watch Captain, Nelson Winterburn, and those who demonstrated what can be done when we people work together to prevent crime.