By Gagandeep Ghuman
Published: Aug. 21, 2013
The District of Squamish has reverted back to Stage 2 water restrictions, allowing lawn watering to take place one day per week.
The change is being implemented after a significant drop in water use across the community.
Water consumption dropped this past week (August 11-17) to an average daily consumption of 12,259 000 litres from a high of 16,231 000 litres consumed on August 5.
Squamish nearly doubles its water consumption during the summer months as a result of lawn watering, car washing and irrigation, which taxes the water system heavily, said Christina Moore.
While future upgrades to the system are inevitable, water conservation in July and August is a prudent move, she added.
“The major reduction in water use over the past two weeks is proof that everyone’s efforts have made a big difference,” said Mayor Rob Kirkham.
Stage Two – one day per week lawn watering
Stage 2 divides the community into seven areas, and provides each area with ONE day upon which they can water:
Monday: Valleycliffe, Hospital Hill
Tuesday: Downtown
Wednesday: Dentville, Business Park, North Yards
Thursday: Loggers Lane, Quest University
Friday: Garibaldi Highlands
Saturday: Garibaldi Estates
Sunday: Brackendale
- Even Numbered Addresses: 4:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
- Odd Numbered Addresses: 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Throughout stages one and two a person may, on any day and at any time (and during restricted times in stage three):
- Water trees, shrubs, flowers and vegetables with a hose equipped with a shut-off nozzle;
- Water newly planted trees, shrubs, flowers and vegetables for the first 24 hours;
- Use micro-irrigation and drip-irrigation systems;
- Wash a vehicle using a hand held water container or hose equipped with a shut-off nozzle (restricted completely in Stage Three).