By Stéphane Perron
Published: Feb 14, 2018
Are you interested in reviving Brackendale’s neighbourhood association? The Brackendale Owners And Tenants Association (BOATA) has been inactive for over two years. But the association still exists and unless it is taken over by new leadership, it will be dismantled.
The association already has a few things in place that would make it easier than starting up a new association. It already has a mailing list on MailChimp gathered largely by people signing up at the BOATA Fall Fair table. There is already a Facebook page and a website;
The association is a registered society with the province of BC. And perhaps best of all, it comes with seed money: a bank account at Squamish Savings with $192.41 in it. Money collected via donations at the Fall Fair and raffles.
The association could be anything a new board chooses. It could change the name, change it’s society status, change its mission.
As a bit of background, BOATA formed in 2006 with a six-person board. The mission statement was “to be Brackendale’s neighbourhood association, working to preserve and enhance Brackendale’s rural character, public services, economic opportunities and natural environment.
The group hosted several public meetings at the BAG and Easter Seal Camp relating to Brackendale issues. It lobbied DOS staff and Council for neighbourhood improvements. A booth at the annual Fall Fair raised awareness.
If no one comes forward by March 31, I will cancel all registrations, accounts and memberships, and consult with past board members to decide on a recipient for the remaining funds.
Please contact me at if you want to know more about BOATA and be a part in reviving the association.