The District of Squamish has installed permanent signs cautioning residents about wildlife on a popular Brackendale trail.
The temporary “Wolves and Coyotes Caution” signs posted along the Ray Peters Trail Network have now been removed. While the immediate concern and threat the district reported on last week has subsided, this entire area is being considered a dog-wildlife conflict hotspot.
Permanent signs have now been installed cautioning trail users. The new signs are located at three key entrance points and highlight this area as a dog-wildlife conflict hotspot.
Trail users are reminded to be alert in this area, keep dogs on leash, and make noise so as to avoid surprise encounters. Please be mindful that wildlife can be present at any time, and that we are a leash-law community.
Report all wolf and coyote sightings to the Conservation Officer Service at 1-877-952-RAPP (7277).
For more information on wolves and coyotes, please visit: