The District of Squamish is currently in day two of a High Fire Danger rating, and it is expected to continue to remain high throughout the week.
During a High Fire Danger rating, forest fuels are very dry and the fire risk is serious. New fires may start easily, burn vigorously, and challenge fire suppression efforts. Extreme caution must be used in any forest activities. Open burning and industrial activities may be restricted.
During periods of heightened fire hazards, certain work activities within the wild land interface may contribute to the creation of fires. In order to reduce this risk, Squamish Fire Rescue has the ability to ban or restrict certain types of work along the periphery of the interface during periods of “High” or “Extreme” forest fire danger class ratings, as defined by BC Wildfire Management Branch.
After three consecutive days of a High rating, high-risk activity by any business, contractor, facility or their operations within the interface (within 10 metres of the interface) shall cease at 13:00 hours and a fire watch established each day for a period of two hours (13:00 – 15:00 hours).
Thursday, June 13 is forecasted to be day three of a High rating when the restrictions will apply. A campfire ban has not been implemented at this time.
For more information about the danger class ratings and examples of high-risk activities please visit the Fire Danger Rating and High Risk Activity Regulations page.