Polygon is inviting people to a public information meeting online to comment on a development permit the company has applied with the district for the first phase of Garibaldi Springs subdivision.
Phase 1 is located at the north end of the Garibaldi Springs site with access from Doward Drive, and the application is currently under review with the district.
This application for the first phase is for 60 residential units, including three-storey townhouses, two-storey duplexes and single storey cottages, four of which contain two-bedroom suites.
No variances have been requested and the development conforms to the zoning, according to the district.
The Garibaldi Springs site, located on the east side of Tantalus Road, is 48.3 hectare in size. Previously a golf course, parts of it will be redeveloped in phases, with the first phase, Parcel A, located on the north side of the proposed subdivision.
Access to the subdivision is provided from Dowad Drive and Newport Ridge Drive.
All submissions received online will form part of the public record and will be presented to council in a package when the application is considered by Council.
Residents can submit comments or questions online, contact the District by phone (604-815-5002) or email (planning@squamish.ca).
Comments can also be mailed or dropped off at the drop slot at Municipal Hall at 37955 2nd Avenue.