Squamish RCMP are investigating a theft in which the suspects stole $15,000 worth of electronic and outdoor equipment.
On April 29, Squamish RCMP responded to a break-and-enter in the 39000 block of Government Road.
Police said the thieves had drilled out a door lock, gained access to a storage room, and stole $15,000 of electronics and outdoor equipment.
The stolen items include tents, skis, two cameras, a bike, a snowboard, diving equipment, two iPads and a Goretex jacket.
Bonfire complaint
Squamish fire department and RCMP responded to a complaint of bonfire off Government Road.
Police warned people of the category two and three open fire ban currently in effect. The people who had started the bonfire were cooperative, police said.
Squamish RCMP remind that although the campfire ban has been lifted by the District of Squamish, there is still a provincial ban on category two and three fires.
Roadside driving prohibition
On April 28, an anonymous tip led police to an impaired driver who failed roadside impaired tests. The driver had his car impounded for 30 days and was issued a driving prohibition for 90 days.
The driver will also pay a $500 monetary penalty to ICBC and will receive a mandatory referral to remedial programs from ICBC.
Mischief to generator
On April 30, unknown suspects tried to gain entry into an industrial Caterpillar Finning generator by breaking a panel’s padlock in the 39000 block of Government Road.
The damage was minimal, and the operator is installing extra security measures as the investigation continues.