BC Government is inviting people to take part in a COVID-19 survey to gather information on how the pandemic has impacted the health and well-being of people.
The BC COVID-19 survey: your story, our future is available online at www.bccdc.ca/covid19survey in English and simplified Chinese.
Those who can’t complete the survey online or need assistance in another language may call 1-833-707-1900, seven days a week, between 8:30 and 4:30, to take the survey over the phone.
The survey asks questions about whether you’ve experienced COVID-19-related illness, actions you’ve taken to prevent COVID-19, the challenges you have faced during this pandemic and your overall wellbeing.
At the end of the survey, people will be asked about interest in taking part in two future initiatives: A serology survey (blood testing) to help determine immunity across the population, and the planning for digital tools to help identify and manage COVID-19 infections in local communities.
The province is calling upon all British Columbians 18 and over to take this survey.
“The purpose of this survey is to guide us in the weeks and months ahead as we continue to address the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Dix.
“From the beginning, we’ve called on all British Columbians to come together to stop the spread of COVID-19, and we’ve seen an extraordinary response as we’ve flattened the curve together. This survey is one more step you can take to help your community live as well as possible during this time.”
The information gathered through this survey will guide the government as it chart its course through the pandemic.