District of Squamish staff has identified three unsurveyed Crown Land areas and one private land parcel east of Valleycliffe for which the district wants to change zoning.
These are located outside the Growth Management Boundary and are currently zoned RS-1, which is not in line with the OCP land use designations, the district says.
In one area east of Valleycliffe, the staff is proposing to rezone the lands from RS-1 to P-3 (Recreational and Institutional Use).
The P3 zone applies to land set aside for provincial, regional and municipal parks, major recreational areas and natural greenway or blueway corridors, as well as for campgrounds and golf courses.
The district also plans to rezone another land parcel, north-east of Valleycliffe, from RS-1 to Resource (RE) lands which supports a wide array of “front country” public and commercial recreation uses, campgrounds and equestrian facilities, extraction and processing areas (e.g. sand and gravel facilities, and forestry operations), and dispersed rural residential that is not connected to municipal services.
The third portion of land the district wants to rezone is north of Valleycliffe and east of the Ravenswood subdivision. The district wants to change the zoning from RS-1 to Future Residential Neighborhood.
The Future Residential Neighbourhood zoning applies to land intended to be designated as residential neighbourhoods in the future as part of a sub-area planning and OCP amendment process.
Future Residential Neighbourhoods are not intended to be a source of population growth until substantial residential development areas have occurred.
A public hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, July 28, at 6 pm, which will be streamed from the District of Squamish council chambers.