The District of Squamish is hiring a full-time Bylaw and Animal Control Officer.
The officer will receive, prioritize, and investigate complaints regarding alleged infraction of district bylaws and take appropriate action.
To carry out the bylaw portion of the duties, the new hire will proactively patrols Squamish to detect violations, inform and educates bylaw violators, issue warning tickets, prepare and submit applications for warrants and assist in preparation of documents for other court processes.
The new hire will also provide investigative support to other district departments.
The officer will also patrol the district to detect violations of the Animal Control Bylaw and impound, care for, and release impounded animals. Duties also include handling livestock and injured and diseased animals and transporting them.
The official will assist with the cleaning of the shelter and the care of the animals as necessary, and obtain supplies when required.
This is a union position and will pay $29.89 per hour.
Meanwhile, district staff is asking council to delay the off-leash area pilot project to the winter of next year.
“Due to staff leaves and vacancies, as well as COVID-19-related reprioritization, the Bylaw and Animal Control team is not in a position to take on a targeted enforcement project at this time,” says a recent memo to the council.