An energy-efficient, carbon-neutral community consisting of affordable and market-rental housing: That is the goal of EcoVille, an eco-village being proposed on Finch and Robin Drive in Squamish.
The proponents behind EcoVille project recently wrote to the district seeking a letter of support for a seed funding they have applied with the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
Chris Bozman, Derek Venter and Yoga Yogendran seek to create the EcoVille, a mixed-use residential housing development at 1039 Finch Drive and 1026, 1038 Robin Drive.
They are proposing to assemble the land into one parcel of 12 acres.
The development will consist of a mixed-used of housing including single-family homes, town homes and apartments. The project plans to utilize CMHC programs to provide at least 30% affordable rental within the appointment housing with the other 70% of units being designated for market rental.
The current design consists of a mixed variety of housing types, with a purpose-built day care, town homes and low-rise apartments located on the Robin Drive parcel of land.
The developers are also proposing to connect Robin Drive and Finch drive along the west edge of the development with access to the east Finch apartment and daycare facility being achieved through a private road constructed for fire truck access.
They also propose to construct all buildings in the project to either a Passivhaus or BC Step Code 5 standard. They also aim to achieve 100 per cent storm-water retention and capture and recovery of exhausted heat. They plan to provide significant private outdoor space at each unit and the community outdoor spaces.
They are also proposing to enhance the water course that divides the Robin and Finch properties, including improving the 10m setback area, constructing two new rearing channels, and enhancing the existing water course by improving the fish and salmon habit.
The proponents say they would like to create a true ‘live-work’ community.
“Having the ability to transition a living unit to a coffee shop, a bodega, or another small business allows the buildings in EcoVille to stay relevant with the current needs of not just the EcoVille community but also the entire Squamish community as it continues to grow and evolve,” they say.