The District of Squamish has formed an Economic Partner Forum as part of a new governance approach for Economic Development.
District said the voluntary group will provide a collaborative framework to share expertise, knowledge and resources in an effort to fulfill the district’s economic development strategies as outlined in its strategic plan.
The group’s focus will support strategic goals related to target sector growth, employment lands and space, local job creation and climate action targets.
The Economic Partner Forum is comprised of representatives from 11 partner organizations, including public and private sectors, and not-for-profit organizations, listed alphabetically:
Capilano University
Futurpreneur BC
Provincial Government of B.C.
Quest University
Spring Activator
Squamish Chamber of Commerce
Squamish Downtown Business Improvement Association
Squamish Nation
Tourism Squamish
UBC Faculty of Applied Science
WorkBC Sea to Sky
The group will be joined by the District’s Economic Development Officer and up to two additional District of Squamish staff. Mayor Karen Elliott, or a designate from Council, will also serve in an ex-officio capacity.
The forum will also areas for district action, mutual collaboration, and actions by partner organizations.
The group will also support the Economic Leadership Team’s understanding of the local business climate, and associated opportunities and challenges.
“Building a vibrant local economy with a diversity of local job opportunities will require collaboration and each of these partners playing to their strengths and contributing their insights and talent,” said Mayor Karen Elliott.
“I have no doubt our community will benefit greatly from the collective insights of this team as we continue to navigate the best way forward.”