Government of BC will provide school districts more resources to support mental wellness programs.
The province will boost funds for school-based wellness programs and supports by $2 million.
School districts will determine how funds are used based on their individual needs to help students adjust to this year’s challenges, government said.
Funds may be used to enhance staff training, student workshops, family information nights or to develop new resource materials for educators and families.
Mental health programs will also be expanded this year to include staff well-being, in addition to a focus on trauma-informed practices.
Surveys show that many people in British Columbia are experiencing an increase in mental health and substance use challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially those with pre-existing conditions. Government reminds British Columbians that help is available for people of all ages, and there is strength in seeking support.
“It’s important for people to know that it’s okay to not be okay, especially during these extremely challenging times,” said Katrine Conroy, Minister of Children and Family Development.
“With this funding, young people of all ages and their parents can get more support from our many programs and services that help keep students on the path to success.”
Free and low-cost counselling services are also available online, by video and phone through programs such as BounceBack, Living Life to the Full, Here2Talk, Foundry’s virtual services, etc for children and school staff.