The Stawamus Chief Activity Room at Brennan Park Recreation Centre has been selected as a location for limited in-person public attendance for council meetings.
While council meetings will be run electronically, limited in-person public participation will be available at the Stawamus Chief Activity Room.
The room has been selected because it is large enough to accommodate the required physical distancing, and the building allows one-way flow of traffic and separate entrance and exit
A greeter will be stationed outside the front doors to the Brennan Park Recreation Centre lobby, on the arena side, 30 minutes before the start of the council meeting. The greeter will ask preliminary health screening questions related to Covid-19 symptoms and travel before people are allowed inside the building.
Those who attend the meetings will be required to sanitize and will be strongly encouraged to wear a mask, which may become mandatory in the future.
Physical distancing signs, markers and arrows will be in place outside the front doors, in the lobby and in the Stawamus Chief Activity Room to ensure that physical distancing requirements are met.
Public attendance will be limited to 30 to ensure that total numbers are within the Order of the Provincial Heath Officer.
District staff reached out to 10 municipalities to find out how they are managing public attendance at council meetings and public hearings.
Seven of the municipalities allowed in-person attendance at council meetings, five allowed in-person attendance at public hearings and three did not allow in-person public attendance at council meetings or public hearings.