The District of Squamish wants the province to require all local governments to report on progress in achieving United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
According to a resolution by the district at UBCM, all 193 members of the UN General assembly adopted the 17 goals to ensure a more sustainable, equitable, peaceful, survivable and prosperous future for all by 2030.
The district says every level of government has authority over areas critical to progress on most of the SDGs.
The district wants that all local governments should report on their efforts and progress in achieving each of the SDGs within their own jurisdiction.
The 17 goals address the global challenges the world faces, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation and peace and justice.
“The 17 goals are all interconnected, and in order to leave no one behind, it is important that we achieve them all by 2030,” says the UN.
The district also wants UBCM executive to work with BC to help local governments improve their reporting and accountability over time by developing a standardized reporting approach for the goals at municipal and regional level.
The district also wants BC to enact legislation that will empower local governments to regulate cooking and heating installations in new and existing buildings.