As many as 181 seniors and local citizens have signed the petition asking council that the society support the creation of a strategy for seniors in the community.
Lending her voice to the seniors, former Mayor Corinne Lonsdale said seniors deserve and have earned a dedicated activity centre of their own.
“They have this today, but may not have the space at Westwinds as it is only assured for five or possibly ten years and is governed by another operator. The Seniors Centre Society will not have any authority. BAD!” she said.
A local senior, Patricia Vesely, said seniors are entitled to use the 55 as it was intended, and the district has no business shutting it down without consultation.
Another local citizen, Deneen Kerr, also spoke in opposition. “I think it is bullshit. You want to use it for what it was not set up for. Go find something else. Try the old fire hall after helping hand moves. There must be other choices. Get a clue”
Local Anne Bright also spoke in opposition to the plans. “Nothing like complex legalese as an excuse for why seniors weren’t a part of the decision making process at the onset which should have begun pre‐Westwinds build.”
Rick Boulier said the 55 Activity Centre should be kept as it was supposed to be.
“Keep the 55 Activity Centre as it was supposed to be for the seniors and give them more programs so it will be utilized to its potential. How would you like to be evicted from your home? Shame on staff and council,” he wrote.
Another citizen, Ashleigh Preston, said seniors should have a right to the centre.
“I do not feel they should be taken out from the seniors as there is hardly anything for them to do as it is and I feel the youth have a lot more options in town than the seniors,” she said.
Staff and council have not done the proper investigation and consultation regarding seniors’ requirements and facilities in Squamish, said local Rotarian Brian Finley.
“Squamish Seniors are active in community and yet have little voice in Council decisions. It would seem a wide perspective on Seniors Opinions and initiatives,” said Riun Blackwell.
Shirley Rutherford said she is disappointed in the total disregard for seniors the district has shown.
“I am disappointed in the municipality’s total disregard for the seniors of this community who gradually, but steadily, have been forced out of the seniors’ centre (currently the 55 and soon to be a community centre) and are now being offered a new space into which seniors like myself have had no input and over which I feel we will have very little control.
Several other seniors, local citizens and business owners have decried the district’s move to displace local seniors.