BC will be conducting a test of B.C.’s wireless alerting system at 1:55 pm on Wednesday, Nov. 25.
The test will be conducted as part of the national Alert Ready system to improve public safety in the event of emergency.
This is part of a biannual test of the national Alert Ready system, which was launched in B.C. on April 6, 2018.
This testing is designed to assess the system’s readiness for an actual emergency and identify any adjustments that need to be made.
A scheduled test in May 2020 was cancelled across Canada due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
During the test, an alert will be broadcast on radio and television stations, as well as on compatible wireless devices.
The test message will read: “This is a TEST of the British Columbia Emergency Alerting System, issued by Emergency Management British Columbia. This is ONLY a TEST. If this had been an actual emergency or threat, you would now hear instructions that would assist you to protect you and your family. For further information go to www.emergencyinfobc.gov.bc.ca. This is ONLY a TEST, no action is required.”
The National Public Alerting System, publicly branded as Alert Ready, is a collaborative initiative between federal-provincial-territorial governments and industry partners.