Tickets worth $153, 950 have been issued in BC in the last three months to violators of the Public Health Officer.
Between Aug. 21 and Nov. 20, 59 violation tickets were issued, including twenty-five $2,300 tickets to owners or organizers contravening the PHO’s order on gatherings and events.
As many as nine $2,300 violation tickets were issued for those contravening the PHO Food and Liquor Serving Premises Order.
As well, twenty-five $230 tickets were issued to those who refused to comply with directions of the police.
Additionally, since the pandemic began, police in British Columbia have issued 64 violation tickets to individuals who violated the Federal Quarantine Act, netting $70,000.
“The purpose of the Quarantine Act is to protect public health by taking comprehensive measures to prevent the introduction and spread of communicable diseases,” BC Government said.
Violation tickets build on existing tools, such as the ability to suspend or revoke the business or liquor licenses of problematic operators, BC said.
“If violation tickets do not act as a deterrent, or in cases of particularly egregious contraventions or for repeat offenders, police can recommend charges in relation to the offence.”