More than 300,000 British Columbians will benefit from the largest-ever permanent increase to income assistance and disability assistance rates, according to the Government of BC.
Starting in April 2021, those on income and disability assistance will automatically receive a permanent $175 per month increase – the third increase in rates since July 2017.
For the first time since 1987, there will be an increase to the senior’s supplement of $50 per recipient.
This raises the maximum rate for a single person from $49.30 to $99.30 per month, benefiting up to 20,000 more low-income seniors, government says.
It is the first increase to the supplement since 1987 and will support about 80,000 seniors.
For people on income assistance living in special care facilities, their comforts allowance will increase by $20 to $115 per month.
The comforts allowance lets people buy basic personal items.
“This past year has been challenging for everyone, and especially so for those British Columbians already relying on assistance to make ends meet,” said Nicholas Simons, Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction.
“Now that we are seeing signs of some economic recovery from COVID-19, it’s essential we provide the stability of a permanent rate increase for people and families, including 49,000 children who live in poverty.”