District of Squamish has resumed the weekly organics collection from April 19.
District advises that people should ensure yard waste and organics totes are closed at the time of collection.
Totes with flipped back lids and tree branches longer than 24″ or greater than 2″ in diameter can both damage the bear-proof banding on the tote and disable the truck.
Any overfilled totes will be marked indicating “oversized yard waste” and will not be serviced on collection day.
A 2016 Waste Audit conducted by the District of Squamish revealed that 35% of residential waste from curbside collection was organic, yet it is a reusable resource.
“Collecting organic material separately from garbage helps to extend the life of the landfill, limits greenhouse gas production from the landfill, and produces a valuable soil amendment,” district says.
Vegetable and fruit, meat and bones, egg shells and eggs, bread, baked good, pasta, flours and grains, Coffee grounds, filters and tea bags, and leaves, grass clippings, hedge trimmings, plants, flowers that can go into organics collection.