Locals should prepare for an increase in train traffic due to recent rail infrastructure damage in the Fraser Canyon.
Transit of goods will be rerouted through the rail line running from Prince George to Vancouver.
CN has notified communities of the Lower Mainland that it intends to operate two trains per day with an expected total train length of 80 rail cars, or 1,830 metres (excluding locomotives).
Increased traffic is expected to be in place until the infrastructure has been repaired.
Please be extra vigilant around the tracks during this time.
CN has assured the district it will be increasing safety measures due to the dry conditions and risk of fires.
These measures include implementing patrols, with field employees to monitor along the railway to look for any issues that either have or could spark a fire.
There will be a regular inspection of locomotives and other rail car equipment for mechanical issues.
CN will ensure that work crews in the field are equipped with fire suppression equipment including water pumps and foam to fight potential fires.
To report any safety concerns, please call the CN police emergency line at 1.800.465.9239.