United Way is inviting the community to a winter solstice celebration on December 21, the shortest day of the year.
The event will be held at the Stan Clark Park on December 21, from 4 pm to 7 pm.
“Dark dreary days can be a tough time for many, and every little bit of positivity helps,” says Diana Gunstone, a community builder at United Way.
Locals can join United Way at the new covered space at Stan Clarke Park to create some lanterns, share solstice stories and brighten the shortest day of the year.
Locals can make or bring a homemade lantern to brighten the park, and United Way will have lights to share.
People will be invited to share a Solstice Story, to pen a few positive thoughts about winter memories, favorite activities, recipes or food traditions.
“Solstice story cards and lantern making supplies will be available at covered shelter and the Hi Neighbour pop-up tent or people can also bring from home,” says Diana.
Everyone is welcome to the event.