District of Squamish will be hiring a new Assistant Director in Recreation and Culture.
The new official will expand recreational services to meet the growing needs of the community, district says. The new position will also allow for strategic initiatives such as facility expansion and the implementation of the Brennan Park Lands master plan, notes a report to council.
The position will cost $39,000 annually, but there won’t be any tax implications. It will be funded by the extra revenues from recreation programs and increased film activity revenue, the report notes.
Brennan Park Recreation Centre requires significant upgrades and expansion, and district is working on a master plan to upgrade the recreation centre.
District Staff are also putting together request to Woodfibre LNG to have them contribute $870,000 to cover the extra resources required for permitting, policing and other costs. The funding from WLNG will allow District planning and engineering staff to hire two full-time employees.
It will also enable district to contract services to fund work related to the project.