BC SPCA is seeking help for 12 sixteen-year-old Himalayan cats who were brought to its Sea to Sky location. Some of the cats are very emaciated, says Krista Larson, manager, Sea to Sky BC SPCA.
“They have skin infections due to the severe matting of their fur, fleas, ear mites and dental issues, including broken and missing teeth. Some will have to have tooth extractions and all of them need dental cleaning for heavy tartar.”
Larson says each cat will need to have a senior blood panel to determine their overall health and to see if they can be safely sedated for dental surgery and other potential treatments.
“They were definitely grumpy cats when they came in because of their various issues,” says Larson. “We have seen a huge improvement in their temperament since they have been getting adequate amounts of food and medical attention.”
Larson says the cats are all very sweet.
“They love to get chin rubs and butt scratches. Even the shyest will melt into your hand when they are given love. Who can resist those giant blue eyes?”
If you can help these cats, and other animals in need at the BC SPCA, please visit spca.bc.ca/emergency-alert.