The Squamish Loggers Sports Festival is looking for volunteers. Below are the positions for which volunteers are needed:
Kids Festival Saturday July 30th – 9:30am to 12:30pm at Junction Park – Position will entail looking after a booth/station for the event with crafts, kid friendly axe throwing, obstacles and more). No heavy lifting involved, awesome environment and great team. 3 positions available.
Loggers Sports Timers July 30th and 31st 11:00am to 5:00pm at the Al McIntosh Loggers Sports Grounds – Multiple positions needed for infield timers. Timer volunteer positions are in the middle of all the action and the best seat in the house for watching the show. 5 positions open for Saturday and 8 Sunday.
Rotary Beef BBQ July 30th and 31st 11:00am to 5:00pm at the Al McIntosh Loggers Sports Grounds – Come join the Squamish Rotary Team to help prepare and serve the world famous traditional beef on a bun! Volunteers needed for both days. 10 positions available.
Elks Pancake Breakfast July 31st – 7:00am to 11:00am in the Save On Foods Parking Lot – Calling all youth to help bus tables and support the Squamish Elks and Squamish Lions Team as they serve up a hearty breakfast to start the day off right and be ready for a full day of festivities. 5 positions available.
Loggers Sports Competitors Dinner July 31s 4:30pm to 6:30pm at the Al McIntosh Loggers Sports Grounds– The competitors work up an appetite over two days of competition, come and help with the preparations for the after competition dinner. Food Safe is preferred. 2 positions available.
Gates and Ticketing – July 30th and 31st at the Al McIntosh Loggers Sports Grounds – Come help get the excited spectators into the show to enjoy the festivities. Morning and afternoon shifts available to catch some of the action while also volunteering for an awesome event. 10 positions available.
“Come help to support the longest running community event that is run 100% by volunteers who work year round to continue the tradition. Volunteers will receive a volunteer t-shirt, Rotary Beef Bun and a volunteer dinner August 1st at the loggers sports grounds.”
Email celebrate@squamishdays.ca to sign up now and please indicate which position(s) you are available for. Thank you!