The construction of a new bridge connecting downtown to the Sea and Sky development is likely to begin in late summer of 2023. The bridge from the Sea and Sky development will connect to Victoria Street in Downtown Squamish.
“The developer currently anticipates construction will begin in late summer and early fall of 2023, with anticipated completion in late summer and early fall of 2024,” said Rachel Boguski, the media relations officer for District of Squamish. The timing is dependent on permits, most importantly the Fisheries and Oceans Canada authorization, she added.
The bridge design and construction will be fully funded by the developer, though the District is responsible for the operations and maintenance of the bridge. The pedestrian bridge was part of package of community benefits that was offered by the Sea and Sky development.
“The pedestrian bridge, along with the waterfront park being constructed adjacent to the Sea and Sky development, are both being designed and built at the expense of the developer and are meant to serve all residents of Squamish,” notes a report to Council.
At a council meeting on Feb 14, the council discussed a protected bike lane connection from Main Street to Victoria Street with a direct connection to the bridge. Bike lane on Victoria Street will provide easy to all ages and abilities and a cycling connection to and from the Victoria St bridge, notes the staff report.