For the next three years, the District of Squamish will strive to implement an action plan that will elevate housing, parks, trails, reconciliation with the Squamish Nation and climate change to the top of the agenda.
The District’s strategic plan (2023-2026) identifies the highest priorities of Council and the outcomes it will aim to achieve in the next four years. Here are some objectives for next three years:
Increase the diversity of housing forms and tenure types year over year to promote affordable and attainable housing for people living in Squamish.
Generate a net increase of new parks, trails and gathering spaces by September 2026.
Increase the number of inclusive and accessible arts, cultural, heritage and recreational multiuse programmable spaces by the last quarter of 2026.
Increase the equity and accessibility of the active transportation (AT) network and transit system year over year to increase active transportation trips.
Council also plans to address recommendations in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, develop a agreement with Squamish Nation and implement the District’s Inclusion Strategy by the last quarter of 2026.
Here are some other priorities:
Achieve goal of reducing community GHG emissions by 45% by 2030 through continued implementation of the Community Climate Action Plan.
Increase economic activity in the core, enabling emerging economic sectors per the Economic Development Sector Strategy by September 2026.
Invest in hazard mitigation, infrastructure, and community resilience programming to ensure community adaptability in the face of climate change by September 2026.
Create a net increase of employment lands and spaces both on land and marine by September 2026.