In recent years, the Howe Sound Curling Club embarked on numerous projects to upgrade, service as well as replace aged equipment and facilities such as ice making related machinery, emergency exit doors, roof repairs, lighting and the most exciting project yet, heating in the ice rink.
Some of these projects have already been completed and others are underway or about to start but none of them would have been possible if it wasn’t for the assistance of our many community sponsors, grant providers and volunteers. Through the support provided by these groups, the HSCC has been able to continue to provide an affordable and fun sport accessible for participants of all ages for the community of Squamish as well as neighbouring communities from North Vancouver to Pemberton.
The Whistler Blackcomb Foundation and BC Gaming, in conjunction with Amateur Sport BC have provided funding and support to install equipment to introduce heating and reduce humidity for the curling arena for the comfort of all participants from ages 8 to 90+. The Whistler Blackcomb Foundation contributed $20,000 and BC Gaming contributed $28,000 for the project. This project is due to be completed this summer and be ready for action for the upcoming 2023/24 Curling season.
The Squamish Community Foundation has provided support in the amount of $2,000 toward the installation of new LED lights in the ice shed. They also contributed $4,000 through the Community Enhancement Fund toward our ice plant rebuild. Both projects are now completed, and we are looking forward to making full use of our new energy conserving lighting and more efficiently operating compressor.
Woodfibre LNG has previously provided a $2,000 contribution for both the Junior Program and the Learn to Curl Program, administered by club volunteers. It has allowed the Club to provide subsidised, reduced cost instruction and coaching for junior and novice curlers.
Adding to the funds already donated, Woodfibre LNG contributed a further $2,000 for our ice shed repairs. As the club ages the HSCC is faced with increasing needs to both repair and maintain various facets of the building and facility and through the financial assistance provided by Woodfibre LNG, along with many hours of volunteer labour, we have been able to undertake and complete the most recent round of maintenance and repairs
As we head toward the 2023/24 season, we would like to thank the above mentioned organisations and and companies for the financial assistance that they have provided. Without this support, the support from our advertisers, and the support of the many volunteers that give up so much of their time, our Club would not be able to function.