The District of Squamish has launched a new online portal for Council information.
The portal provides easy access to Council meeting schedules, agendas, live stream and more, and allows residents to easily find archived video, agendas and minutes using the advanced search function.
“We are working to improve access to information to build a community in which residents of all ages can have easy access to Council work, participate in local decision making, and be informed and engaged in civic life,” says District of Squamish Mayor Armand Hurford. “We invite all Squamish residents to tour the user-friendly platform, tune in to a meeting or watch a previous recording, learn about some of our opportunities and challenges, and hear updates about projects.”
In addition to Council information, the portal’s Document Centre houses the District’s library of Bylaws and Policies. It also includes information on how to meet and connect with Council, and to stay informed through the District’s weekly e-news. The portal is being launched as Council returns from summer break.
Residents are reminded that all open meetings are streamed live for viewing only. Those wishing to participate in a live meeting are invited to join via the Webex platform, accessible through a computer or Webex mobile app, or telephone into the meeting. In 2021, the District launched a new public engagement platform to encourage greater participation and feedback from Squamish residents. To explore the platform and register for an account visit