MLA Jordan Sturdy has brought forward legislation aimed at safeguarding minors grappling with mental health and addiction issues.
Entitled the Safe Care Act, 2024, the proposed legislation would empower parents, adoption directors, child and family services directors, or safe care directors to petition the Provincial Court for the supervised involuntary apprehension of a child facing severe harm due to addictions and mental illness.
During the bill’s introduction, Sturdy shared the tragic story of Brenda Doherty, a constituent who lost her 15-year-old daughter to a fatal drug overdose shortly after her premature release from the hospital.
“This bill represents a last-resort measure providing additional options for parents striving to ensure their children’s safety while upholding the youths’ rights and well-being,” remarked Sturdy. “Had this legislation been enacted years ago, Brenda’s daughter might still be with us today.”
Echoing Sturdy’s sentiments, Elenore Sturko, BC United’s Shadow Minister for Mental Health, Addictions, Recovery, and Education, emphasized the gravity of implementing involuntary care. “While any decision to pursue involuntary care must be approached with careful consideration, we maintain that there are instances where compassionate involuntary treatment is indispensable to saving lives,” Sturko affirmed.
The Safe Care Act represents an extension of BC United’s Better is Possible initiative, which advocates for judicious employment of involuntary treatment to shield vulnerable youth and adults at risk of self-harm or endangerment to others.