By Gagandeep Ghuman
Published: Nov. 7, 2012
Coun. Susan Chapelle and Patricia Heintzman voted against giving second reading to a proposed drive-thru bank and restaurant on Garibaldi Way.
CIBC bank and a second Tim Hortons plan to open next year on the empty lot on Garibaldi Way, across from the Husky gas station.
Formerly a bulk fuelling station, the lot is located at the intersection of Garibaldi Way and Government Road.
Chapelle said a bank on this location contravenes OCP policies of having financial and commercial institutions in downtown Squamish.
She voiced concern over pollution caused by vehicles idling at the drive-thru bank or driving to Garibaldi estates to access the bank.
Drive-thru restaurants on highway deter people from coming into town, she added.
“I want people to drive in our town, not drive-thru it,” she said.
“This is wrong on so many levels, I can’t support it.”
Heintzman was by her side, saying she was generally not supportive of drive-thru establishments.
She spoke little, however, reminding council that it shouldn’t voice such determined views before a public hearing has taken place.
Coun. Ron Sander was determined to voice his support for the plan, dismissing Chapelle’s concerns over increased pollution.
“This is about economic development, here is someone who is investing in our community, and creating jobs,” Sander said.
Sander said an equal amount of pollution could be caused by someone driving from Garibaldi Highlands all the way to downtown to access the bank services.
In lock-step with Sander, Mayor Rob Kirkham said it would be unfair to allow one bank in the area, while denying another.
He said a major bank has chosen to invest in the community, and it should be welcomed.
Kirkham also noted there is rarely a line-up at the existing drive-thru bank in town.
Coun. Ted Prior was supportive of the proposal, but was concerned with a proposed stop-sign on Government Road.
“There is going to be a lot of cranky people on that road,” he said.
The proponents have suggested the following road improvements:
• Conversion of the Garibaldi-Way and Government Rd intersection from a one-way stop to a three-way stop
• Addition of a left-hand turning lane off Garibaldi Way south onto Government Rd
• Addition of a right-hand turning lane off Garibaldi Way north onto Government Rd
Bike paths and a sidewalk along Garibaldi Way are also being proposed.
A public hearing is set for Nov. 20 in the council chamber.
Jane Iverson says
Drive through businesses are not desirable as it reinforces the notion that we are merely a pit stop on the way to Whistler, not to mention the noxious fumes that are generated by the idleing factor.
We need to strive to make Squamish a destination not only for the recreationalists but also by strengthening the Downtown as a vibrant, unique shopping district and cultural hub of the community.
Remember the Smart Growth principles. Concentrate on attracting businesses and industry that pay living wages not minimum wages! Let’s put the words into actions so that our community members can live work and play close to home .
Carole Bird says
I’m extremely disappointed in the council members voting for this development. True the corner lot is an eye sore but they don’t need to make it worse by adding another fast food chain/franchise with two drive thru lanes. Are they jumping at the first offer? Does Squamish want to be known as a pit stop? A place to drop off their city/town garbage? I thought the councillors stated when running they “want to make the Squamish people happy” also, “to make Squamish a destination place”
I hope they remember their quotes, because I do, I was there, I was listening.
Anonymous says
This is funny coming from someone who has a business just off the highway and who has business signs right next to the Tim Horton’s drive-thru?
Carole Bird says
Explain what is so funny.
Anonymous says
It’s funny that you had your sandwich board pretty much in Timmy’s drive through for ….. Since you opened?!?! And really, the existing Tim’s would surely affect your business way more than the proposed one that’s not even close! And also, the ‘double’ drive-through is not 2 drive throughs, it is a much more efficient way to run a drive- through actually, with less waiting times and minimum idling, if you looked at it in detail…. And yes, it would be really awesome to make our town a destination, however, we are still on a major highway, one of the busiest in BC, so wether you like it or not, destination (which we are yet not really much of) or not, there will always be people on the highway that are on the way to and fro, so why wouldn’t we as a town capitalize on that? It’s not like we are thriving by the way of being a destination at this time…. You don’t make your town a destination by taking away services and convenience from those who are just passing by, you make it a destination by offering the reasons to stay – activities, things to see and do…. So, if you don’t want Squamish to be more than a pit stop (which, by the way, it will always be simply by having a major highway run through it, and we just have to accept it and make the best of it!) why, instead of lobbying another Timmy’s, which is a Canadian chain, with lots of ties to community and local owners, would you not ask council about the parking and sh$&ty washrooms at the eagle viewing point in Brakendale, that is actually a major tourist attraction and a major embarrassment to this town? I don’t think you picked the right battle here …
Stéphane Perron says
I dont know why the C-3 zoning was not cleaned up after it was made clear from our last OCP that that drive-throughs are not in line with community values. I understand there are three other applications for drive-throughs elsewhere in Squamish. Time to rewrite our zoning definitions so that drive-throughs are not a permitted use. It may already be too late for this site.
Brad says
It’s a bit late to be wrapping ourselves in the flag of Smart Growth now. We already have 5 restaurants, 2 gas stations, a grocery store, a hotel, another financial institution and drive thru up here. Most people live up here. It doesn’t seem to me to be violating Smarth Growth principles to concentrate commercial activity where the bulk of the population lives, reducing transport times. We can argue about the merits of drive-thrus generally but the businesses themselves cannot further damage the status quo.
Downtown’s redemption, if it comes, will be because it establishes itself as the cultural heart of the community. It will likely never be the commercial heart again — that is a fact of geography. Squamish unfortunately will be a pit stop until we have something big to stop for. We are not New York, we are a small town and it’s just a fact of life that there’s only so much to do here. Anyway, I don’t know how we expect to get good, decent paying employers to locate and grow here if we make simple stuff like this like getting a root canal.
TCee says
This has to be the most unimaginative, lacking-in-vision, obtuse Council ever, with 2 notable exceptions for now. What a horrible proposal for this area. No wonder people do NOT stop in Squamish – it’s become a pitstop, and totally out-of-keeping with its magnificent, beautiful surroundings. Why doesn’t this Council simply come clean and be honest – it does not believe in or adhere to so-called Smart Growth Principles but rather to the concept of “Dumb Growth”; it does not believe in or adhere to its own OCP on which so many citizens provided visionary inputs in the years gone by”; it totally ignores the need for building up and enhancing the Downtown Core, to attract in visitors/tourists, and instead promotes yet more 1960s American-style highway striip development, which is sooo passe; and it prefers and promotes more and more square boxes, with more parking lots, and more asphalt. Sander pulls out the same old Mantra of “this is all about economic development” “and jobs”, while demolishing the Downtown and all that small business owners are trying to do to create viable jobs while making it an actual, worthwhile destination. Of course, Rob Kirkham is “in lockstep” , as well as Ted Prior. None has any appreciation that the world has moved away from these out-moded types of strip development propositions, that people are seeking a more integrative form of towns which combine work, environment and social medium, or that local residents really want to see the Downtown Core become a viable, attractive entity. Have they recently visited Whistler, Vancouver, Fort Langley, Chemainus , Duncan (or even Park Royal South), par exemple, to see what attractive initiatives those communities are putting in place to attract and hold businesses, visitors, and residents alike? What bunkum they spew over line-ups, exhaust fumes, pollutions! How would they know without actual studies, plus real social engagement, including consultation with Squamish Nation residents and other nearby residents who will be directly impacted? Why not put CIBC downtown, a more logical location? Do we really need a second Tim Hortons which undermines independent cafes and restaurants, which try to produce and serve decent, even healthy food? And has the proposed site, once heavily contaminated, been adequately remediated for a fast food drag? Or, as suggested upfront, why not come clean and simply say they want to convert Squamish into a dreary, highway strip mall which visitors zoom past en route to more amenable and attractive destinations? At least that would be honest!
Paul Watt says
TCee, I couldn’t agree more. The last thing our community needs is developments like this. Businesses should be clumped together so people can park once, and go to a number of shops at once. That is the model every successful modern community works towards. Put CIBC downtown.
Dottie says
Well written TCee!
Elliot says
Good points TCee. Ditto from me. Um, hey Squamish Council and Planners, how many drive-throughs has Whistler allowed? I can only think of one, and that is purposely OFF the highway so people have to go into town where they will see options and likely stop and shop. Do you really care about the bigger picture Mr. Sanders?, or the prior councillor that supported your campaign and may still have family interest in that property? Hello, most people in a small town know who owns what?!
ted prior says
Stephane Good point on Drive through . Transportation needs a good look as well . The property is zoned for a drive through that is clear . The bank I am not sure if financial is in commercial that may be left up to interpretation The drive through portion is the variance . Fitting in with Smart Growth policy may also be up to interpretation . Some are concerned that corner is the entrance to The district of Brackendal. All really great comments thanks
Dave says
I think Vancouver was a small town once, right next to where Stanley Park is now. Perhaps they should have denied all lateral development all those years ago. As for Surrey, Langley etc. having such things as Banks or Malls……What has that done to the “cultural integrity” of “Downtown Van.”?…should they have been denied such facilities?
Come on guys urban growth is natural as the population increases. Right now high-rises are “grossly” increasing in Squamish downtown because the land space is fast running out. Ihave no opinion about the above drive-through issue but a Bank up here would be most useful. How long can we “prop-up” old Squamish like the tree in Stanley park?
A GH resident
David says
I completely agree that Squamish needs to become a destination and not a drive-thru which is what is has been to date. When the Sea to Sky Gondola arrives this will economic anchor will be remembered as one of the first big steps in putting Squamish on the tourism destination map. This no one can argue.
What’s frustrating to read is all the comments about driving business to the downtown core. Squamish should have thought about this before allowing Wal Mart to set up shop!!! This is the primary reason why the downtown is in the state it is. (Do the research!) And its not likely to change until the Oceanfront project begins. In the meantime, Council and the community need to work with corporations like CIBC and Timmy’s for a win win.
Is Squamish open for business or not?
David says
This is a slam bunk times two! Two foundation type businesses; a bank and a Canadian darling in Tim Hortons. Not to mention the economic stimulus this communities so desperately desires. Although I do not generally support “drive-thrus” particularly before having kids, I full support them in limited use for both services being discussed after becoming a father. Bare in mind, with the advent of more fuel efficient vehicles it really is a mut point for these original arguements. THIS IS A NO BRAINER!! If Council can’t see the value, them the community needs to show up at the public hearing and share their opinion and clarify. We are taking about 25-40 new jobs with the exact category of business that will in turn help to recreate more sustainability in Squamish. The failure of this proposed development will send a message to corporate Canada that Squamish is not open for business. We need to change this paradigm and I plan to do everything I can to do so.
Muriel Shephard says
I’m wondering where the entrance to this development will be. Garibaldi Way is a very short road just here, between the highway and Government Road, and there’s a Husky station opposite with driveway in. It sounds like a traffic mess, much worse than the various roads and driveways on Garibaldi Way the other side of the highway. I can imagine the pollution with all the vehicles jockeying for position and in the drive-thru lineup. Smell the air at the current Tim Horton’s.
David says
Per the Mayor’s comment” a major bank has chosen to invest in the community, and it should be welcomed”.
I whole heartly agree. This is the issue and opportunity at hand. All the details can be worked out. This is a wonderful economic indicator. All banks do their homework.
It should also be noted that Squamish is experiencing a baby boom and drive thrus are tremendous value added services for young families.
Another way of handling the drive thru component is to have them build a park or do some other kind of community / green space improvement to offset the drive. This should all be apart of our master plan and urban development strategy.
This development will happen.
Brad says
Ted I wasn’t aware there was a District of Brackendale. I like the idea though!!
Folks, CIBC and Tims have done their research, guaranteed, and concluded this is the best spot for them. A Tim’s franchise is a million dollar proposition (I know, I once looked into one). They research these things to the nines right down to the ideal location. If they bypassed Downtown, it’s for good reason. Bank jobs are some of the best out there. Do not turn our noses up at these.
That said I do kind of wonder about traffic – that is a very ugly little intersection. It needs some reworking regardless. Care and thought as to how to not make it worse needs doing.
Stéphane Perron says
Squamish Trails Society meeting this Thursday, November 15, at 7:00 pm at the Squamish Arts Building, across from the August Jack Motel. STS will be hosting Michelle Charlton, the developer of the CIBC/Tim Horton’s Garibaldi Way lots, for a presentation focused on their proposed traffic plan. This will be followed by the regular monthly public meeting of the society. Part of the STS mandate is for the advancement of pedestrian, bike and safe to school routes in Squamish. Deficiencies with the proposed bike route plan will be brought up at the meeting. Note that the focus of the presentation will be on the proposed traffic plan, not the issues of drive-throughs or choice of tenants. All are welcome.
anonymous says
Can’t even spell Brakendale….and by the way it’s
a repulic run by
a self appointed dictatorship for life
anonymous says
please add a b to republic