By Gagandeep Ghuman
Published: Marc. 12, 2013
The marketing push by SODC is generating worldwide interest in our Oceanfront site, the district’s arm length corporation said in a press release.
Over the past several months, SODC has worked with the real estate firm of Cushman and Wakefield to complete an extensive Request for Expression of Interest (RFEI) process in a search for purchasers or partners for the development site.
“We are very pleased with the level of interest in the Oceanfront project,” said Bill McNeney, chair of the SODC Board.
“We have received multiple responses from local, regional and international companies. We now have the difficult, but exciting task of choosing the right partner for the community of Squamish.”
SODC, Cushman and Wakefield, and the District of Squamish via consultants Coriolis Consulting Group will now work through the extensive process of interviewing and assessing the various responses.
The selection of a suitable development partner would be final step in transform the peninsula into a vibrant and sustainable waterfront community, McNeney said.
“We have a critical decision ahead of us as we strive to make the right choice that will provide the most benefit for the entire community.”
There has been no official word on when a final development partner might be shortlisted.
Elliot says
More spin. Of course they’re going to say this. There is no proof of who or what quality investors are coming forward. And remember it’s about the worst time in the market to sell. None of this changes the reality of overall poor real estate demand, increasing commuting costs, falling economy, and the millions of debt incurred to the community by irresponsible past politicians. 8+% property tax increase says so.
Geoff says
Squamish needs more permanent jobs,to attract more real estate sales,so this is a positive thing.The waterfront is an eysore the way it is and the toxins need to be cleaned up anyway.Can you imagine riding the new Gondola to look down on a shabby looking harbour.
Jane Iverson says
Do we need more housing? No, we need more good paying jobs first. Should the District of Squamish be in a partnership with the developers? I don’t think so. They are out of their area of expertise. They should be concentrating on good planning principles, enforcing the bylaws and zoning and overseeing the developers. They should not be in bed with them.
larry mclennan says
No good time to sell? Anytime is a good time to get rid of that financial albatross. Get tax $ and jobs going in the community. Just make certain that the usual bozos who often are attracted to these proposals are weeded out.
Jon Davidson says
All sounds somewhat promising however there is no mention anywhere of cleaning up the harbor and providing services for boat owners, both local and visiting. The establishment of a Squamish Harbor Authority with the mandate to remove derelicts and the old docks and set up new areas for moorage would bring in much more revenue. This authority should also have control over existing moorage which is very overpriced and in extremely poor condition. Cruises and float planes should have access but no one seems to think this is of any importance. It would be interesting to hear what the candidates have to say about this.