By Gagandeep Ghuman
Published: Nov. 13, 2013
Should there be a chicken co-op or not ? That is the question district of Squamish want you to answer.
District is seeking input from residents into a proposed community chicken co-op as a solution to address community interest in raising chickens in a safe, controlled environment.
Backyard chickens attract wildlife, and District resources are focused on reducing the potential for wildlife-human conflicts in Squamish neighbourhoods. Through the WildSafeBC program, the partners involved work hard to reduce and manage existing wildlife attractants, not increase them, said district spokesperson Christina Moore.
“Council is committed to exploring the idea of a community chicken co-op whereby chickens are raised on appropriately zoned property, in a controlled environment, and looked after by a committed group of community members,” she said.
Such co-ops address the issue of food security and education, while maintaining controlled environments that would not attract wildlife into urban density residential neighbourhoods.”
Mayor Rob Kirkham said urban agriculture is recognized in the Official Community Plan as an increasingly important mechanism to diversify and localize the food system in order to address food security.
He said the district recognized the community interest in raising chickens for food security reasons, access to free-range eggs, and education purposes.
“A community co-op could achieve these goals while maintaining our ability to minimize wildlife conflicts,” he said.
The survey is available at until December 12, 2013.
Dave says
Over the last three years I have said much regarding this issue. My argument has constantly been that pacing chicken rearing facilities of any kind in an urban setting where there are surrounding predatory critters such as we have here, is foolhardy and counter-productive to the obvious recently successful efforts of “Bear Aware”. A co-op such as presented here WILL STILL attract bears, coyotes and racoons to adjacent neighbourhoods. The Food Security thing is a red-herring and our DOS is strapped for extra funds to properly police such a venture. Far better to help our local existing farmers to produce more eggs in real rural areas so that they may be able to bring these “organic eggs” to town and make a profit…set up a system of subsidies to help them do this. Of course I expect flack here on this so I provide this following URL link for all to read. Anyway do fill out the survey.
Dave says
……And remember somebody will be imposed upon by having to live to the Co-0p in whatever Urban area is chosen, whether it be a vacant lot downtown or a dis-used piece of land in Garibaldi Estates…Will they have any choice? Hmmmm!
Odour, noise…ducks, geese and even vocal chickens, increased traffic by co-op members and not exactly great aesthetics (wire electric fences etc.)?? I suppose I might be included in the dreaded N.I.M.B.Y. group if I were to mention ‘reduced” property values”:-)
Daria says
I agree that it might attract wildlife. This is something to work on. What I would like to see is to be able to purchase fresh, farm raised (chickens) eggs all year around from nearby neighborhoods for a decent price.
Anonymous says
Support local farms such as: 1 dozen eggs for $5.00.
Dave says
Well said Anonymous!
LArry McLennan says
I don’t support subsidys for egg/chicken farmers- that said, its been observed that we the taxpayers are currently subsidizing some turkeys at municipal hall.
Don Patrick says
There is a big picture out there… if anyone wants to buy fresh eggs they are available now and if anyone thinks raising chickens is a wonderful experience for the kids, just another task like mowing the lawn while providing local food production give your head a shake… it is hard dirty work and will require more folks on the Muni payroll to administer and cater to complaints. There are a few chicken coops as we speak in Squamish on land area of more than an acre that have gone unnoticed as they fit the space, but anything less makes for a clucking mess. Wildlife can smell those critters for miles and they have to pass thru other properties to get to the source. I have tried rabbits as pets and raised chickens in another life and can tell you… get unbiased advise, not from some urban farmer that never intended to better the lifestyle of society but his own.
Dave says
Don. Here here!!…The best post I have read on this….but then, you agree with me:-)