By Mina Kavia
Published: April 12, 2014
Dear Squamish council,
As a citizen and mother of two small children, please consider my humble email as a request to help stop the LNG Project along our beautiful coastline. My vision of our town is of a pristine landscape that inspires human beings to live alongside its natural environment with respect and inspiration.
Our children not only need to breathe air that is non toxic but their spirits and souls need to know that their elders did all that they could to protect this fragile land. We have placed you in a beautiful position of power that can create true changes that are not lead by money but through the heart.
This world can only be the place we make it and it can only be held in honour by those that we place in the front lines
You are our voice, please be the voice that is lead by integrity and truth. You are bigger and I know that you have the insight and power not to resign or be misguided by short term monetary gain for long term truth.
Please be the real voice of humanity and protect our children and their children and protect the fragility of the oceans and the air we breathe.
please be 100% responsible for the choices you make for our planet. Make this decision from a state of awakening and not from darkness .
When you lay on your pillow this night may you sleep with the clearest of consciousness, knowing that you took a stand for what really matters. May you be the Gandhi , the Martin Luther king and the Mandela we need here and now.
Kindest thanks for your wisdom.
Russ says
It is nice to protect the view scape but is there a real environmental danger with this project?
G_h says
Dear Squamish council,
As a citizen and father of two small children, please would you do nothing to stand in the way of Woodfibre’s giant investment in our town and additionally please do not waste the massive tax revenues you will receive from it, but instead actually cut our residential tax rates (for once). I promise to invest the savings in to my RESP to get my kids through college.
May you be the Adam Smith, Warren Buffet and Peter Thiel that we need here and now …
Kindest thanks for your inaction.