Former MP John Weston released his new book at the West Vancouver public library on June 13. The book, On ! Achieving Excellence in Leadership, is a reflect on the positive qualities needed in leaders. Weston said the process of writing the book started over 5 years ago as letters to his kids which reflected his observations about leadership and life. The letters clustered around certain themes, which became the chapters in the book.
“Everyone seems critical of leaders these days. We know what we don’t like in leadership. Americans picked Trump because they disliked him less than Hillary Clinton. Canadians ousted the Conservatives in 2015 because they didn’t like Stephen Harper. Many UK citizens voted against Brexit, not necessarily for something better. Australian got rid of their Prime Minister. And the list goes on and on. We have a vacuum, a craving for the positive things we want in leaders. I decided to write about those things, he said.
Weston said as an MP he learned that the government was at times inefficient, wasteful, and frustrating, even though he was surrounded by people who were earnestly pursuing good results for men and women, in Canada and around the world. That led him to the question: What are the characteristics of someone to whom we could all look up to? What do we want to see in leaders? What makes us want to follow people? How do people add value to themselves so they can in turn add value to others? On! features 8 key chapters, Integrity, Responsibility, Courage, Compassion, Equality, Freedom, Fitness, and Resolve. Each gets its own chapter.
“I can’t think of a more important time for leaders to have their values straight.
“The time to consider your long-term direction is not when you’re under fire or a crisis looms. It’s leaders who have thought long and hard about Integrity and Responsibility, Courage and Compassion who are prepared for such things. It’s leaders who have self-consciously cultivated value in themselves day by day, who are positioned to build value in the people they serve,” he added. The book is available through,, Kindle or kobo, all listed on his website, The former MP is working as a lawyer with McMillan LLP on Indigenous Affairs, Government relations and Pacific Rim transactions.