A new music festival may be coming to Squamish in 2019. The details are scant for now, but the district is working with a event management company to finalise the details.
Small Market Underdog Productions has applied to the district to facilitate the music festival in 2019.
District’s event coordinator, Devon Guest, said the district will work with event producers to ensure the necessary plans are in place such as safety and medical management, traffic management, waste management etc. to produce a festival that will ensure public safety and protect community assets.
Guest said events producers will present to the council to share details of the events publicly, at Committee of the Whole meeting in mid-May, although that hasn’t been confirmed.
There have been some other attempts to organise a summer music festival since the Squamish Valley Music Festival was abruptly cancelled two years ago.
Organised by a Vancouver-based company called Brand Live, it was launched in 2010 and brought celebrity music artists such as Drake and Eminem to Squamish.
More than 100,000 people attended the festival in 2015, and the festival brought an estimated $14.8 million into the Squamish economy. Meanwhile, Brand Live is planning a music festival called Skookum in Vancouver in September.
Lynda Gerhardt says
This is an awesome event to come back to Squamish!
Donny says
That is good news. I hope the District co-ordinator ensures that there is a proper program IN PLACE BEFOREHAND for a clean up of the site afterwards. That should include a financial Bond , cancelled on completion.
Bev says
Great news, I really hope this can happen!