The developer behind the proposed 30-unit, four-storey rental apartment building in Brackendale says it is a unique project with a goal of creating a community-oriented hub.
The Brackendale Hub project is proposed on 41665-41707 Government Road, with one building located right next to the historic Canada Post office and the general store, and the other located behind it.
A mix of studio, one-bedroom, and few two-bedroom rental units are being proposed along with two commercial retail spaces. The commercial units are roughly 1,000 sq. ft..
The Canada Post and convenience store will be retained, says the proponent.
“The design team has worked hard to ensure this entire building will be retained. The goal is to create community-oriented hub and retain the general store building in the process,” he said.

A parking variance of five spaces is being asked for.
“There will be several outdoor spaces created along with seating and landscape vignettes that help to tie the various spaces together and provide opportunities for community members to gather and interact,” the proponent says.
A development permit has been applied with the district.
Brenda Addis says
No matter what a person says you will do want you want to do anyways…that is what kind of people you are… you don’t give a shit….where are all the vehicles going to pile up. Probably not in front of where you live…maybe the vehicles will end up in the ditches
Thanks a lot for the business noisy Red Barn daycare….I wish they were in your backyard. So you can enjoy the kids screeching. Also the use parking do the store …..where you going to park everybody. Not in front of my house
Sarah Weinberg says
That building looks like a giant block wall with no architectural interest at all. Just slap em up and sell them over priced. Good luck Brackendale, the unimaginative McDevelopers have made it to your good.
Lorraine Lewin says
That second building is pretty ugly.
Kelly Smith MacDonald says
So more traffic in Brackendale? More vehicles with nowhere to park? And 4 storeys!…with 1 & 2 bedroom suites that none of my children can afford to rent one day?? This disgusts me.
susan Barry says
Francine says
This is the best they can do are they tying in another sidewalk to nowhere along the skinny walkway and bus stop and with all those young well educated people that work for the district you would think they would know what an appropriate design would be.Something to fit with in the existing surroundings and for the need for safe parking has there has been several very serious accidents in the past. Just think how ugly that thing is going to look like in ten years
Dora Wint says
Cannot let this happen. No way, no how.
Unfortunately money talks it just don’t walk.
Sad and ugly proposal.🤬🤬🤬🤬
Deb MacNeil says
Absolutely GobSmacked!! The most ludicrous suggestion made by somebody who has never lived, even briefly in the area!! I grew up in Brackendale, just down Depot, and know the scariest thing to be worried are traffic and accidents. Be very afraid!
V Gauthier says
I am all for small apartment buildings as Brackendale could benefit from some densification, but until Squamish has real bus service (i.e. buses every 10-15 minutes) this town requires a car. So each unit would need at least 1 dedicated parking space, plus visitor parking, plus parking for the commercial spaces. Also units without balconies and/or dedicated outdoor spaces are a no go to my mind. The building is a 5 y-o lego construction of a house. I am surprised it has not been painted in the 3 primary colours.
Finally, in order to get a building permit to renovate a house with suite, one is required to have 2 units of parking space on property for the house and one unit for the suite. How come the big developers always get variances that will negatively impact all the surrounding properties? This town is ridiculous.
Vannessa says
The developer and district should be ashamed even proposing this to the public. How disrespectful to our community.
Derek McManus says
Squamish has been going downhill on every aspect imaginable, thank your elected officials for that one, the people in charge just see dollar signs, what educated people in DOS? Are you kidding me? I moved to a more sane and affordable place some time ago, was the best decision I made!
Laur says
All for new developments IF there’s infrastructure in place to support it. Improve parking and transit and make the architecture a bit more appealing, then maybe people would be less pissed off.
Travis Williams says
I live on Depot and I own my house. Leave Brakendale alone, Braky never ever needs any buildings like this proposal. Can we please stop with the’ WE NEED MORE PEOPLE, because we absolutely do not! STOP WRECKING THIS PLACE!
Grant McRadu says
I had a quick look at the OCP but can’t find if there is any mention of form and character for this area. My immediate response is that the building if at least one story too high. A four story building in this location is going to look like a pimple on the Brackendale face. Also I would be opposed to the reduction of the parking as there already exists too much parking on municipal streets and this would only exacerbate the problem. In theory and in a location in major centres where there is regular and timely transit, reduction to parking should be encouraged but that does not exist in Squamish. There is ample evidence that new buildings in Squamish increase on street parking. For this mixed use building, I would expect that there is going to be a requirement curb and gutter and unless the planners are going to rezone all of Government Road, there will be as short curb, gutter and sidewalk that starts no where and goes no where.
I can’t believe the planners are letting this proceed as the size and shape of the building is out of the neighbourhood character.
Roy Shephard says
Dear Editor,
Why trash Brackendale’s remaining historical heritage?
With the recent razing of both the original Squamish United Church and the original Squamish Catholic Church, our municipality retains little tangible evidence of its early roots. However, the Brackendale village store and post office are well-used and important institutional reminders of the history of our community that have endured for more than a century.
I was thus disturbed to learn of a proposal recently submitted to Council that would see the store and post office building engulfed by two condominium blocks, monstrous in both size and ugliness. The preliminary drawings show structures that are totally inappropriate to the site, both in scale and in appearance. Moreover, the developer requests a waiver of already limited parking requirements, although the available parking is often already at capacity from the combined demands of store, post office and cafe. So, the cars of the new residents will of necessity obstruct the heavily used bicycle lanes on Government Road, and will block the access of young families to the park on Cottonwood Road. Finally, the area is a significant salmon habitat, but the design as submitted fails to meet currently accepted riparian setbacks.
Certainly, we have a continuing need for the construction of affordable rental housing in Squamish, but we do not need to do this at the expense of the beauty and history of our heritage. There are many suitable sites available for new housing initiatives both downtown and in the Oceanfront (former Nexen) lands, and some of these have sat empty for 20 or even 30 years.
Thus, I hope that Brackendale residents, and indeed all who live in Squamish, will join in strongly urging Council to reject the present misguided proposal.