Expect delays and single-lane alternating traffic on Government Road next month as district crews start work on replacing a watermain.
District crews will replace a watermain along an important stretch of Government Road, from Centennial Way extending north, past Mamquam Road, towards Viking Ridge.
The project is expected to begin in the first week of June. For residents along the route, access will be maintained and the trench will be plated and patched every evening.
District is advising residents to plan their daily route, whenever possible, to avoid delays. Residents can also expect possible vibration and noise during construction.
A temporary water shut-off will also be required upon final tie-in of the residential water connections to the new watermain at the end of the project. At that time, water could be shut for approximately eight hours, and residents will be given notice in advance.
The construction is expected to take two months.
District is also replacing 465 metres of existing sanitary force main along Depot Road, from Government Road to Rayburn Road.
There will be minimal impact to homeowners along the route, but there will be traffic delays. This project continues for the next two months.