Whistler RCMP has impounded a car and ticketed the driver for speeding on Highway 99.
The speeding driver was issued with a $483 ticket for going 162 km/h in a 90 kilometre zone.
His car was impounded for seven days and three points were taken from his licence.
“We have seen an issue with speeding on the Sea to Sky Highway and asking those travelling in the area to please slow down,” said Whistler RCMP.
The request from Whistler RCMP comes a day after a motorcycle crash on Highway 99 injured several people north of Pemberton.
It was the third motorcycle and vehicle collision on the Duffy portion of Highway 99 in several weeks.
Sergeant Sascha Banks of Squamish RCMP is also asking the public to use caution when travelling on the highway and on the back roads in the Sea to Sky region.
“We have seen an increase in traffic above the normal summer volume in all of the Sea to Sky and we want to see everyone arrive safely on their destinations,” Banks said.
Several people speeding on Highway 99 were issued fines last week as well. The speeding vehicles were travelling at 164 kilometre per hour in an 80-kilometre zone near Porteau Cove.
The speeding drivers were issued tickets amounting to $483 in fines and their vehicles were impounded for a week. .