District of Squamish is hiring a collection agency to collect unpaid debt and other accounts that remain unpaid.
District of Squamish communications manager Christine Moore said achieving compliance is an important aspect of working towards a ‘harmonious community’ for all.
“It is, however, common practice for a portion of residents to ignore some of the local bylaws that are in place,” she said.
By seeking collection agency services, the district would have additional tools at its disposal to encourage people to comply with local bylaws, she added.
Citizens would have to pay bylaw fines and a collection agency would provide the resources to follow up when fines were not voluntarily paid, she said.
“It is expected that a more stringent financial penalty will help to motivate compliance with bylaws. The aim of Bylaw Enforcement Officers will continue to be focussed on seeking voluntary compliance through education first,” Moore said.
The district has previously utilized the services of a collection agency some years ago.
However, the district did not respond to questions about exactly how much debt was owing to the district and why the services of a debt-collection agency are needed now.
Moore also said it was common practice for municipal governments to engage in such services to ensure fiscal responsibility and improve the effectiveness of issuing a bylaw fine.
Debts may be listed with a collection agency after the district has tried all other avenues to collect.