I’m writing today because the volume of traffic and lack of safe space for pedestrians to travel has gotten out of hand on my street. I own a property on Diamondhead Road, and my home is a few houses down from the growing businesses at Mamquam & Diamondhead Rd.
This neighborhood does not have the parking space available to accommodate the booming businesses in our residential area. There is no side walk on Diamondhead Rd. and people are parking on both sides of the road leaving no safe place for people to walk, push a stroller or for wheelchairs to travel safely.
It is challenging most days to pull safely out of the driveway onto the road because the parking is so dense its impossible to see the traffic. Furthermore, people are often exceeding the speed limit by 20-30kms/hr, so combined with lack of visibility and speeding cars, near-misses are a regular occurrence.

When the businesses at the end of the street first started to grow, the major volume was only on weekends, but it has now escalated to an intolerable level during the week as well.
On the weekend, during peak times, I have seen on average 5-10 cars per hour turning around in my driveway. I started putting pylons at the end of the driveway so my kids could safely play, but eventually people started driving over them or getting out to move them.
Now the neighbors and I have resorted to blocking the end of our driveways with our vehicles to keep our kids safe while they play outside.
Even though the road is wide, it is also a bus route and a major through road for people going to shop at the Garibaldi Village Mall. There is often only enough space for one car to pass at a time, which leaves pedestrians vulnerable to being hit by a car or a bus.
We no longer feel safe walking on the road, and I can’t imagine how unsafe it would feel to a person dependent on a wheelchair for transportation.
I noticed the district put up signs prohibiting people from parking on one side of the road but the prohibition only covers a few meters and then its a free-for-all again.
Please have someone take the time to come down and evaluate the situation here, especially on weekends, when it gets congested.
Perhaps the district could set up a pneumatic tube to count the cars and get an accurate picture of the traffic.
I would also appreciate a bylaw officer coming to see if people are parking legally, I look forward to hearing from someone regarding this issue.
Rachel Suttie is a local citizen.
Donald Patrick says
Totally can concur with Rachel … four years ago I approached the DOS Engineering suggesting that no parking signs were necessary for the safety of all on DHR …. and the signs were up in a month… following, pictures showed the results … as DOS, RCMP and others were parking between the signage. My circular driveway is used a turn-a-round, thus have to park a. vehicle across the driveway… the 1.5 meter clearance for the drive-way is abused resulting in turning around in my own drive-way and exiting the other end. Question why is the parking lot at the business infered full by early morning… Pay and Park ? the patronage is not parking on the property ??? Four bus routes, skate boards, strollers, dog walkers.. who will be the first casualty ? Is a protest required, words do not seem to be the answer ?
As do I/we … the 1.5 meter distance is the law .. add a bike rack & the parking is well into our driveways … just watched a red truck park across the street .. absolutely no distance, lady even got out & looked then carried on the Business down the road. Last week (as my husband put a large stone in the spot that cannot possibly hold a car 1.5 meteors from either driveway) & the person parked in that spot but completely on the road! All four tires!!
Come on Buses .. can you possibly think its safe … NOT!
Donald Patrick says
Another question pertaining to zoning … why in a residential area would a property utilized as a Garden Centre be rezoned into a class that requires noise from the patronizing in order to make a dollar….the present tenants are not forcing the noise issue…. but different folks could certainly take another avenue. The noise by-law has been contested, the buildings are plastic, sound is not contained well… we all get cranky with bass after 9:00pm… with the parking issue, I find very little respect from the vehicle occupants, so have given up the hostile approach. By-laws advise that if the vehicle has two wheels off the asphalt the parking period is indefinite. Prediction, there are going to be accidents on DHR … followed by ??
Robert McEwen says
Totally agree when the town repaved the Road I thought they would fill in the ditches (both sides) but didn’t happen. It is only time before a bad incident happens. Watched a lady, with a stroller have to dash into a driveway to avoid getting hit.