District of Squamish has raised landfill tipping fees as of today.
The fees were increased to cover the cost of the recent vertical expansion of the landfill, district said.
The increased costs for managing recyclable material that is diverted from the landfill is another reason for the fees increase, district adds.
District is also urging residents to save on tipping fees by separating organics and recyclable materials from garbage before they go to landfill to dispose the materials.
There is no charge for material that can be recycled, which includes books, car batteries, cardboard, clothes, food scraps, plastic bags, plastic containers, mixed paper, paint.
Drywall, however, is not permitted for disposal at the Squamish Landfill, although the landfill does accept non-drywall waste that contains asbestos in accordance with Section 40 of the Hazardous Waste Regulation.
Locals can call ahead to arrange disposal and provide a manifest to the scale attendant on arrival.
The manifest is available from the Province of BC.
View the list of Landfill Tipping Fees that are applicable as of today at squamish.ca/landfill.