BC Transit and the District of Squamish are seeking the public’s feedback on ways transit can be improved in the Squamish Transit System.
The public will be asked to identify transit priorities on topics such as frequency of service and expanded routes in order to work towards building a transit system that will meet the needs of the growing community, as well as meet climate action goals, into the future.
The feedback shared will help develop a Transit Future Action Plan, which will support transit decision-making, service and infrastructure improvements in Squamish.
A Transit Future Action Plan will provide a vision and implementation strategy for improving the region’s transit network, focusing on the next one to five years.
Members of the public are invited to provide their feedback through an online website and survey available at: engage.bctransit.com/squamish.
The public engagement window is open from January 8 until February 8, 2021.
If you are unable to complete the online survey, paper copies are available at Municipal Hall reception during regular business hours and on-board buses.
For more information, service updates and alerts in the Squamish Transit System, please visit: bctransit.com/squamish.