District of Squamish is holding a public hearing to redesignate area east of Loggers Lane near Brennan Park in the town’s Official Community Plan (OCP).
The area will be redesignated from Residential to a mix of Rural/Low Density Multifamily, Hillside Housing, Mixed Use Industrial, General Industrial and Conservation as part of the Loggers East Neighbourhood Plan.
District also plans to add the Loggers East Neighbourhood Plan policies to the District’s Official Community Plan Bylaw.
The electronic public hearing is scheduled for February 9 at 6 pm.
The district undertook a neighbourhood plan for the portion of the Loggers East neighbourhood located south of Raven Drive and north of Robin Drive.
It will guide district on future development in the neighbourhood.
The plan calls for multi-family housing in some areas while others will be reserved for industrial use, and the rest for agriclure and conservation.
The Rural and multi-family designation applies to small acreage areas of Raven, Robin, and Finch Drives, including a number of properties with high ecological value of Finch Creek and tributary streams.
New large or solely single-family development will not be supported, but townhouses, small duplexes, stacked townhouses and apartments up to three to four storeys will be considered.
Similarly, in the areas designated as Hillside housing, new large or solely single-family development will not be supported.
Meanwhile, a range of light and medium industrial uses will be considered in areas designated as General Industrial on Land Use Plan.
The Loggers East neighbourhood is estimated to accommodate 790-1100 housing units in the future.
Ted prior says
Good planing . Save some habitate get a decent trail system .