District of Squamish will consider issuing a Temporary Use Permit (TUP) to allow personal service establishments for three years at a Second Avenue building.
The temporary application would permit Southwood Holdings to allow personal services at the properties in Downtown South.
The Southwood Holdings properties are located at 37760, 37768, and 37776 Second Avenue.
They are currently zoned Light Industrial, which allows for light industrial uses and some commercial uses such as fitness centers and restaurants.
The building contains one private residence on the third floor, a storage facility, several office and retail spaces on the first and second floors and an alcoholic beverage manufacturing facility at the back.
The permit, if approved, would allow the current occupants to continue operating, but will also allow for new personal service establishments on the property.
Approving a permit for the entire property would prevent each individual tenant from seeking the permit.
Staff are also planning to review the overall zoning for the area in the next three years, with the aim of developing zoning that is better aligned with the OCP policies and employment space needs.
Staff are supportive of the three-year temporary permits to allow Southwood Holdings to have personal service establishment businesses as an interim measure while the overall zoning for Downtown South is under review.
Peter Legere says
Personal services should have been allowed in the area all along.