District of Squamish won’t be changing the speed on Skyline Drive from 40 km/hour to 30 km/hour, though it is working on a traffic-calming policy which will include reviewing speed zones in the future.
“There is no interest in changing the speed from 40km/h to 30km/h on Skyline at this time,” Jesse Morwood, the district’s capital projects manager, told a local citizen who had written about the need for traffic calming in the area.
Morwood said the district would review speed zones in future with the BC government as the district did have interest in reviewing reducing speeds on some roads to 30 km/h.
He said it had not yet been decided on which roads the speed would be reduced, but the district would be reviewing all roads, including Skyline, at that time.
Morwood said the district’s traffic count from two years ago showed that 85% of vehicles were travelling 54km/h or slower on Skyline.
District’s traffic group will be reviewing all roads where there are speeding issues and prioritize the traffic-calming budget based on this review, and Skyline and Garibaldi will be part of this review.
“In the meantime, I can request RCMP enforcement on Skyline and Garibaldi Way to look at getting our speed reader board placed on the downhill lane of Skyline,” he told the resident.
District staff had discussed the possibility of installing delineators in the middle of Garibaldi Way on either side of the cross walk.
However, the district’s traffic group wasn’t supportive of this as the feeling was it could push vehicles out towards the shoulders causing a safety issue.
However, the district is planning to install delineators on the southeast corner of the intersection of Garibaldi Way and Skyline Drive.
This would discourage vehicles from cutting corners, he said.