A pilot project to reduce the speed limit in the community has been delayed.
The project has been delayed as the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has yet to provide an opportunity to discuss the project, according to a District report.
The speed reduction project is now expected to go to Council in the fall for discussion.
In July last year, the Council and District staff discussed, following the lead of the District of Saanich, on a pilot project for a 40 km/hour speed limit on local roads that don’t have a continuous yellow centre line.
The pilot project would reduce the speed limit in neighbourhoods from 50 kim/h to 40 km/h, and would be based on the presence of line markings and would not require extensive signage.
This would make it very simple for drivers to understand what speed they should be traveling at any given time.
According to a report, the staff sees three advantages in reducing the speed limit to 40 km/h: Low cost, shared resources with the District of Saanich, and a system that is easy for drivers to understand.
The staff wanted to develop and implement the project last year.
Jim Lorman says
Give me a BREAK how are signs and paint lines going to stop the bone head drivers from ignoring the speed limits that now exist. Hit them hard in the pocket book and impound vehicles for repeat offenders. Spending a lot of money on studies signs and paint won’t solve the problem. Implement the laws we have and things will be a-ok.