Alain Gorgien
(November 19, 1950-January 16, 2022)
On Sunday January 16th, in the midst of a challenging winter, Alain Gorgien departed this world for the next. Alain was an amazingly creative and multifaceted individual; a gentle steward of the forest whose care-giving, creativity, sensitivity, honesty, and outspoken nature drew many folks to him.
He would often go out of his way to help and support others from all walks of life, making space and time for so many, and never requiring anything in return. His passion for justice was clear in how he lived, worked and shared his voice.
What must be included in this short tribute that only touches on his accolades was his absolute mastery as a pastry chef. Trained in France, he apprenticed under the umbrella of the French public education system, and attained a C.A.P en Patisserie (Certificat d’Aptitude Professionnelle). Those who have lived in Squamish will have had his phenomenal wedding cakes, cookies, lemon tarts, apple strudel, tiramisu and many other delicious culinary creations.
Alain’s hands worked dough, clay, wood, and earth. He painted, built, carved, crafted, planted, and was truly a master of many mediums, endlessly and tirelessly creating. His legacy lives on in the hearts of those he touched as well as the memory of his tasty creations and the sensory artworks that he formed.
A deep reverence for nature was evident in the way Alain tended his property, lovingly acknowledging each and every tree, shrub, or blade of grass, and carefully cultivating a yearly vegetable garden.
He will be deeply missed by the community, but in particular by his life partner Janic Evin and so many beloved friends: Frank Rak, Erik Musseau, Franco & Heidi, Peter Spitzer and family, Mylene Morrisette, Susan Zhou and daughter Yufie, as well as numerous relations in France: his brother Yves and wife Claudine Gorgien, his sister Marie Helene and her husband Joel Destouesse, his sister Eliane and her husband Alain Messine, his brother Guy and his wife Mylene Gorgien, as well as numerous nieces, nephews and grandnieces and nephews.
The one thought that brings some comfort to those he has left behind, is that his mother, whom he adored, will be greeting him upon his arrival in the hereafter.
(A tribute to Alain and his creative endeavors is in the preliminary stages, so stay tuned.)
Jeannie Bardach says
So sorry to hear this sad news! Alain baked more than a couple of delicious pony cakes for my Pony Time Parties clients. Such a kind man! He will be missed!
Rob says
Alain was a friend to us all in this town & a very important voice of good will & true kindness. To say he’ll be missed is an understatement for those of us who were fortunate enough to have known him.
Tammy Drury says
I’m deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Alain. He was kind and generous. My path crossed with his in the early 2000’s when he graciously volunteered to supervise and teach a client in a work placement in his kitchen who had many barriers to life. He was understanding and gracious and willing to help. RIP sweet soul
Lisa Wood says
So sorry to read of Alain’s passing. He was a kind soul AND his culinary talents were beyond amazing. RIP
Maggie Armstrong says
Condolences to Janic and family thoughts are with you and the family.
Clément Messines says
From Alain’s family in France:
Nous sommes heureux de voir toute la considération que la communauté de Squamish porte à notre Frère, Oncle,cela nous va droit au cœur. Ce petit coin du Canada aura toujours une place spéciale pour nous.
En espérant pouvoir marcher sur ses pas de l’autre côté de l’atlantique un jour…
Une grosse pensée pour Janic nous partageons ta peine.
Denis Dubourguais, Normande Bélanger says
Cher Alain,
Quand hier je recherchais ton adresse sur internet, je suis tombé sur l’article du journal, en voyant la photo, je me suis dit, tiens un article sur Alain l’amoureux de la nature, mais j’ai réalisé que
c’était un hommage posthume, D’abord le choc, puis la tristesse et le chagrin de te savoir parti.
Nous étions très proches à Québec à la fin des années 1970, Alain était très attachant, musique, art,
société, tout le faisait réagir, notre association dans le restaurant le bilboquet reste une période forte . Après son départ en Colombie Britannique on se parlait de temps en temps au téléphone ou par mail, l’amitié était là comme avant. Bon voyage Alain. condoléances et amitié sincère Janic.