The Mamquam Blind Channel pedestrian bridge is likely to be complete by early summer next year. The bridge will connect the Sea and Sky development to Downtown Squamish, and is expected to cost anywhere from $300,000 to $350,000.
The pedestrian bridge was part of package of community benefits that was offered by the Sea and Sky development.
“The pedestrian bridge, along with the waterfront park being constructed adjacent to the Sea and Sky development, are both being designed and built at the expense of the developer and are meant to serve all residents of Squamish,” notes a report to Council.
Both the park and the bridge will be owned and managed by the District. The District says the bridge would provide an important active transportation link for area residents and create more opportunities to safely walk and cycle to and from downtown Squamish.
According a staff memo to the Council, the bridge has been designed to accommodate the largest vessels that may need access north of the bridge location. It is wide enough to accommodate both barges required for dredging purposes and float homes that may be moored to the north of the bridge.
Most vessels will be able to pass safely under the bridge at high tide without requiring an opening, which will only be required by sailboats and extremely large motorized vessels.
The bridge operator will likely be a District staff member who will attend to the bridge on an “on demand” basis, and will not solely be waiting for vessels to request passage. The bridge operator will actively monitor VHF channel 72 during operating hours and be on call 24/7 for lift requests.
In peak summer time, there will be a response time of 10 minutes or less for vehicles to pass.
Below are the operating times for the bridge
Summer Operating Season: April 1 to October 31
Summer Operating Times: 7 am to 10 pm (10 minute or less response time)
Winter Operating Season: November 1 to March 31
Winter Operating Times: 8 am to 5:30 pm (15 minute or less response time)
Iain says
Please note The cost to the Bridge is not the $300k- $350k.
Ted says
That’s great news . It will change the town for ever a little bit more culture.
Andrew Watson says
There is no way a bridge like that only costs $350k.