FortisBC is inviting the community to an in-person information session on the proposed Eagle Mountain – Woodfibre Gas Pipeline project. The project will expand the existing natural gas system so Fortis can provide natural gas service to the proposed Woodfibre LNG facility.
The project will add about 50 kilometres of new gas pipeline between Coquitlam and Squamish and construct a new compressor station at the Woodfibre LNG site.
Fortis is hosting the info session today, April 27, from 5 pm to 8 pm, at the Executive Suites Hotel & Resort.
Those who wish to attend the session can register here.
The session will provide locals with a project update and an opportunity to discuss FortisBC’s proposed workforce lodge to house non-local workers. “Our investment in this gas pipeline helps to keep natural gas delivery rates stable for all customers,” the company says.